Please see below formal notification from Lake Macquarie Council:
As you would all be aware Council has commenced development works on Feighan Oval with the completion of the carpark section of the works.
Council has successfully obtained a $300,000 grant application from the State Governments for the Amenities Building project. This monies will augment existing Council funds and the AFL grant for the project. See Media Announcement:
Updating the projects
- A contractor has been appointed for the lighting project for Feighan 2, which will provide LED lighting. The works will occur over the coming months and is expected to be completed by June. The scope of the works now includes two new light poles for No. 1 Oval and replacement of all lights to LED. LED lighting over the facility was required due to power supply issues. Council will liaise with the operating committee as this project progresses and are mindful of implications on ground use training and games.
- The Amenities Project will commence in June. Unfortunately, delays in the construction of the Caves Beach Amenities has impacted the proposed start time. Council staff investigated opportunities to engage external building contractors, however time savings were insufficient to alter from Council’s Building Services delivering this project. Council’s Building Services Team have recently constructed quality facilities at John Street Oval, Parbury Park and Alan Davis Field.